window curtain造句

"window curtain"是什么意思   


  1. She drew aside the window curtain and had a glimpse of the river
  2. Needles in window curtains . he bared slightly his left forearm . scrape : nearly gone
  3. Her head was leaned against the window curtains , and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne
  4. He plodges through their sump towards the lighted street beyond . from a bulge of window curtains a gramophone rears a battered brazen trunk
  5. Manufacturer of curtain poles and tracks , electric tracks , blind roller , water heater controller , remoted control window curtain and motorized window blind
  6. It's difficult to find window curtain in a sentence. 用window curtain造句挺难的
  7. The candle , wasted at last , went out ; as it expired , i perceived streaks of grey light edging the window curtains : dawn was then approaching
  8. She sat at the window observing the darkness cover the avenue gradually . she leaned her head against the window curtains , which smelled of the dust
  9. Her time was running out , but she continued to sit by the window , leaning her head against the window curtain , inhaling the odour of dusty cretonne
  10. The day before she had cleaned the whole house , scrubbed the tile floor , made the boards shine , put fresh ribbons around the window curtains
  11. Her father sat reading at the table ; and i , on purpose , had sought a bit of work in some unripped fringes of the window curtain , keeping my eye steadily fixed on her proceedings
  12. B & q installation service is available for our customers even if you only buy a door lock or a window curtain , b & q will give satisfactoriness to our customers for our services
    不论客人只选购一个门锁,又或一幅窗? ,只要有需要, b & q都会为阁下解决一切安装上的问题,务使客人满意又称心。
  13. Like the color of sunlight caught by my sleepy eyes through the window curtain when getting up in the morning , the leaf , a little corroded by years with speckles , yet steams simple and primitive fragrance
  14. Whether the particular lace encloses the window curtain ; whether the curve of the foot of the desks is perfectly round and energetic ; whether the ornamental design on the frame of the toilet glass is beautiful and fascinating
  15. The good days window curtain of guangdong is a large company which not only has scientific equipments and professional decides , but also produce and sales all kind of artist ' s tracks 、 roman tracks and the fittings of curtains
  16. The chamber looked such a bright little place to me as the sun shone in between the gay blue chintz window curtains , showing papered walls and a carpeted floor , so unlike the bare planks and stained plaster of lowood , that my spirits rose at the view
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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